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Jon Polish 05-23-2018 01:06 PM

Exporting to RTF
I have a multi-level outline that I would like to export as an indented rtf for a report. Each item of the outline contains text which I would like to be indented according to its position in the outline. I know the tree's structure can easily be copied and pasted into a word file but I need to have a way to do this with its text too.

I might have forgotten how. Is this possible to do?

Thank you.


kinook 05-23-2018 04:49 PM

You can't export both item title and text directly to RTF, but you could export to HTML -- see -- and then convert to RTF. I was able to open the .html file in LibreOffice and save as .rtf.

Jon Polish 05-25-2018 09:36 AM

This was very helpful. Thank you. For me, the process was even simpler.

1. File | Export
2. Items to an XML (OML) file
3. Make sure item text is the only box checked
4. Complete the destination, check "Export child items" and check "Open Explorer window after export" and finally select "Static Outline" as the HTML conversion.
5. Click "Finish" to run the export
6. Open the exported html file in LibreOffice and save as rtf.

Again, thank you for your guidance.


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