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Jon Polish 02-22-2019 11:12 AM

Process does not close with multiple databases open
First, thank you very much for the update.

The UR process does not close if I had two databases open. UR will not open until the instance is shut down via Task Manager. If one database was open, then UR closes properly.

This did not happen with the previous version.


cnewtonne 02-23-2019 08:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Great to see UR evolve to 5.4. Long life ahead!

I'm having the same problem which started happening after updating to 5.4.

I can confirm Jon's report. I'm able to reproduce it ...

1. Launch task manager & verify there are no ultrarecall.exe processes running
2. Open two *.urd files directly from file explorer
3. Go file / exit
4. In task manager, ultrarecall.exe will persist even though the UT is closed.

Image below shows there are no task bar buttons for UR, yet the process is still running.


Jon Polish 02-23-2019 10:48 AM

Thank you for testing and confirming.


kinook 02-24-2019 05:56 PM

Fixed in the latest download (

Jon Polish 02-25-2019 08:19 AM

Thank you so much!


cnewtonne 02-25-2019 12:27 PM

Thank you.

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