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cnewtonne 03-13-2019 12:57 PM

Error cancelling and starting search
1 Attachment(s)
Never seen this before. Started happening today after updating to Did not notice how it happened and I'll try to reproduce it.

kinook 03-13-2019 01:30 PM

Try uninstalling (answer No to delete customizations), redownloading, and reinstalling UR.

cnewtonne 03-13-2019 10:07 PM

I'm able to reproduce the AV. It happens when 'start' button gets clicked several times before the previous search is finished.

Here's how ...

1. Initiate a non-fts search that takes time
2. In the search detail, search for string: *data*lake* nice
3. Click 'start' button several times quickly before previous search finishes. May be 10 times in succession.
4. After the 10th time, click to expand a menu item e.g. 'Tools' or 'Tree'
5. Repeat above steps till you get the AV error.

urd file used for this test:

Screen recording:

kinook 03-14-2019 03:44 PM

Fixed in the latest download ( This was not a new issue either, just not very common.

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