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MihailCherkass 05-22-2019 01:01 PM

Mouse wheel scrolling expands collapsed items
I found a very annoying bug. The tree of items does not remember the state "open" or "close". Video attached.

Ultra Recall Professional 5.4
Copyright © 2004-2019 Kinook Software, Inc.
Registered to: Mikhail Cherkasskii (1-user license)
Windows version: Windows 8.1 Single Language
Install path: C:\Program Files (x86)\UltraRecall
hrs32.dll version
hts11.dll version 11,0,2,3
mimepp.dll version 3.0.4
msptls.dll version 16.0.4266.1001
PolarSpellChecker.dll version
riched20.dll version 16.0.4732.1000
SftPrintPreview_IX86_U_20.dll version 2.07
ter16.dll version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version
Database filename: D:\doc\_Work\work.urd
Database version: 4.0.1 [FTS]

kinook 05-22-2019 01:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I can't see your video.

MihailCherkass 05-22-2019 01:23 PM

The video is in open access. Maybe youtube servers have not yet processed it.

MihailCherkass 05-23-2019 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by kinook (Post 21965)
I can't see your video.

The video should already be available. In addition, the bug looks like a problem on the operation system side. Recently, I have installed some softeware on my desktop. This software includes Microsoft Visual c++ 2005 Redistributable Package. Maybe bug have come with this installation. I reinstalled the Redistributable Package, but nothing chaned.
The problem occurs in Windows safe mode and in a new clear urd database. I sent the test database to your email.
Also my Windows 8.1 updated .net framework

kinook 05-23-2019 07:44 AM

I'm still getting video does not exist. Can you try sending it another way? See

So this is a new problem that started after some Windows update? If the problem is specific to your machine and O/S (Win 8.1?), you may need to repave and reinstall Windows or switch to Windows 10.

MihailCherkass 05-23-2019 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by kinook (Post 21968)
I'm still getting video does not exist. Can you try sending it another way? See

So this is a new problem that started after some Windows update? If the problem is specific to your machine and O/S (Win 8.1?), you may need to repave and reinstall Windows or switch to Windows 10.

Ok, I'm going to reinstall Windows. It seems that update of .Net framework causes the bug. Is Ultra Recall based on .Net framework? Should I avoid the update? I sent video to

kinook 05-23-2019 10:35 PM

I see the issue -- it's not a Windows issue but a problem with mouse wheel scrolling within UR. I believe it was introduced with this change in March:

Mouse wheel scrolling in trees and lists not working correctly for 'Screen at a time' setting.* []

For now, either use the keyboard or scroll bar instead of the mouse wheel, or here is a download of v5.3.

We will investigate.

MihailCherkass 05-24-2019 11:37 AM

Thank you!

kinook 05-25-2019 04:32 PM

This is fixed in the latest download (

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