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cnewtonne 09-18-2021 01:58 PM

Syntax editor does not retain configuration changes
1 Attachment(s)
Hi all ...

I linked a *.sql file in UR and I can see UR applied syntax coloring. However, I opted to change the color of a sql comment using '--' from default green to red. Clicked APPLY / OK.
Going back to plain text / options / syntax color / I see comment color reverted back to green.

It does not appear to be saving user changes.

Ultra Recall Professional 6.2 (x64)
Copyright © 2004-2021 Kinook Software, Inc.
Registered to: **** (1-user license)
Windows version: Windows 10 Home
Install path: C:\Program Files\UltraRecall
HRW15.DLL version
HTW21.DLL version 21,0,0,0
msptls.dll version 15.0.4420.1017
msvcr100.dll version 10.00.40219.325
PolarSpellChecker.dll version
riched20.dll version 15.0.4420.1017
SftPrintPreview_x64_U_20.dll version 2.07
TEW26.DLL version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version
Database filename: C:\****.urd
Database version: 4.0.1 [FTS]

kinook 09-20-2021 07:48 PM

I think you are correct, those settings do not persist.

cnewtonne 09-21-2021 08:06 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I'm not sure if this feature is by design or it is a bug ...

Highlighting a line in info item 'plain text 1' or even toggling a bookmark, causes to insert/highlight in all other info items of plain text type.

In the image below, highlighting line 2 in info item 1 did the same in info item 2.

Are these highlights/bookmarks not specific to a single info item?


kinook 09-21-2021 02:09 PM

It looks like bookmarks / breakpoints also do not work correctly in the syntax editor. They are global within a session and do not last beyond a session. I get the feeling that this functionality hasn't been used much in UR since this is first report of these issues in 17 years...

cnewtonne 09-21-2021 03:14 PM

I use it to review software trace and log files. It allows me to highlight or bookmark specific errors or events in an ocean of data.

Over the years, I have not seen a tool to manage, mine, and analyze such data as effectively as UR.

kinook 09-21-2021 07:19 PM

Interesting. So then you would likely benefit from these issues being corrected? How have you been getting by with the limitations until now?

cnewtonne 09-22-2021 01:11 PM

The idea is to be able to highlight or locate pertinent diagnostic data fast, especially during a presentation & using large files.

I initially used rtf files because I can colorize text and create rtf links. But, it was slow when handling large multi-MB files.

I started using plain text files, but I lost the ability to colorize and create links. Instead, I wanted a way I can quickly spot a line and get to location in the file.

1. I save the file with *.sql extension (even though it is just a plain text file) so I can use the default syntax highlighting feature

2. I import the file as a link to UR

3. I review the files and highlight pertinent diagnostic data using '--' to give red color

This works fine & color persists across UR sessions.

djmallinson 09-25-2021 04:40 PM

Syntax colorization for other programming languages
is it possible to add syntax colorization for java, c# or other languages?
Also how to add a type of document (the template is there but not in the right context menu when adding child/sibling?

kinook 09-25-2021 06:28 PM

Yes, but you would need to define the syntax coloring. See

C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\Editor\Schemas\

LexFormat.txt has some documentation, and the existing .schclass files would be examples for other languages.

To add a template for a particular document type, import a file and move to Templates. It should show in the Insert Child/Sibling menus after that.

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