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teognost 03-04-2022 05:04 PM

Copy files step - include just the root files
If I have a copy files step where copy subdirectories recursive is checkes and I have an include mask which for some files I want to be applied recursively but for others just the root files to be copied -is it possible to achieve this?
For example I want to copy the files:
but these files 2*.txt just from the root (not from other subfolders) -is it possible to put some special mask for 2*.txt so they will be copied just from the root?
Or I need to create a separate copy files step for 2*.txt and uncheck there the option copy subdirectories recursive ?
I tried with a single copy files step with Include:
but it did not work.

kinook 03-04-2022 09:40 PM

Use an exclusion of


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