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Hilary 12-17-2022 05:44 PM

Future plans?
Hi Kinook,

I'm wondering what your plans are for UltraRecall. Do you plan to keep it working with new versions of Windows?

(I still organise my life and business in it. I've used quite a lot of shinier, more modern programs over the years, but I keep coming back to UR for its robustness and flexibility.)

kinook 12-20-2022 12:59 PM

Yes, we'll do our best to keep it working with newer version of Windows.

We also have some enhancements and bug fixes on the todo list.

Hilary 12-20-2022 02:52 PM

Brilliant, thank you!

(Not that I think it needs enhancing, but now I'm full of curiosity...)

cnewtonne 12-21-2022 08:17 AM

I'd like to say the same. My entire personal and professional knowledge base resides in UR over a period of 15 years.

Its sheer performance and the way it integrates natively with Windows is unparalleled.

Unfortunately, Microsoft lack of vision and repetitive strategy switches and u-turns is not helping developers. Looks like they have now settled on what the future of Windows development looks like. The fact that they have now opened up Win32 apps to access the latest modern Windows feature is also a great advancement. I hope Kinook has enough confidence in MS to introduce these features into UR. For example, listing UR in the Windows app store, use of Chromium Edge based WebView, etc.

UR remains the most powerful and performant app for knowledge outlining and organizing. It is the only reason I'm still using MS Windows.

I thank Kinook for developing and maintaining such an ingenious app. Please, keep going. You have all our support.


edmond 12-08-2023 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by kinook (Post 22820)
Yes, we'll do our best to keep it working with newer version of Windows.

We also have some enhancements and bug fixes on the todo list.

There are a couple of improvement suggestions from my side:
- Enhance the GUI with horizontal tabs (perhaps in the way Milenix MyInfo does it), so that the user gets to group items in the database not only vertically, but also horizontally. It would also get closer to a MindMap type of structuring
- Develop import filters for the most common alternative used at present: Evernote and OneNote. This would attract a lot of users who have lots of data in these programs and it is very hard for them to switch otherwise, despite the limitations they find there.
- Embed a scripting language, like Lua or Javascript, for more advanced users to be able to implement various automatic processing algorithms - you will open for them the chance to help you with many potential extensions, without using your internal development team. Lua already binds to SQLite (see - LuaSQLite3) , so it does not look as something difficult.

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