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cnewtonne 01-07-2025 01:23 PM

Installing UR Shows in Help/About
I downloaded & installed the latest UR software from the download link which is supposed to be, but Help/About still shows the older version shown below.

TEW30.DLL version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version

kinook 01-08-2025 08:56 AM

It isn't in the main installer. There is a separate patch file that you download and extract into the UR installation folder. See

Unfortunately, it's nigh impossible, expensive, and very inconvenient to digitally sign executables on Windows anymore, so this is provided in a separate file (unsigned).

cnewtonne 01-08-2025 10:45 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. This is certainly not good news :(

Does this mean from now on, all future UR updates will be in the zip format? No more setup.exe?

cnewtonne 01-08-2025 01:47 PM

One more finding, please.
Even the "Ultra Recall Portable ZIP File [64-bit edition]" link downloads the .19 release.

kinook 01-08-2025 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by cnewtonne (Post 23188)
I'm sorry to hear that. This is certainly not good news :(

Does this mean from now on, all future UR updates will be in the zip format? No more setup.exe?

Most likely.

kinook 01-08-2025 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by cnewtonne (Post 23189)
One more finding, please.
Even the "Ultra Recall Portable ZIP File [64-bit edition]" link downloads the .19 release.

This has been updated.

cnewtonne 01-08-2025 05:28 PM

Developers are suggesting that MS is coming up with a new Trusted Signing Azure service an affordable price and simplified process.

Also, they are saying that Certum offers a reasonable pricing for their certs.

Using zip archives to distribute apps on Windows nowadays is a user-experience hit and a regression. It makes it hard to recommend UR to others. Hope there is a way to avoid it.

Hope this helps.

kinook 01-08-2025 05:42 PM

Azure service - A "quick start" document that is 12 screens long and only covers the setup steps? No thanks.

Certum - $370 per year, pass.

The signed installer is fully functional, you would only need the patch for one specific feature.

cnewtonne 01-10-2025 11:28 AM


you would only need the patch for one specific feature.
To clarify. Historically, when you release a new feature, we get it via ...

1- A new download of 'UltraRecallProX64Eval.exe'. Once installed, the Help/about shows a new version that matches what is shown on the download page.
2- A zip file with *.reg that alters registry setting.

If a new user stumbles upon the UR website and decides to try it by downloading the evaluation setup executable. How will this person know that there is a new solo 'ultrarecall.exe' file and what exact feature(s) is associated with it?

Will the download page be updated to direct future users?

kinook 01-10-2025 01:16 PM

I added a note to the download page about the patch update.

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