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jecardam 11-18-2004 12:45 PM

Rename file
Is there a way to rename a file through Visual Build Pro?

kinook 11-18-2004 12:59 PM

Use a Run Program step with a command of

%DOSCMD% rename "c:\path\to\file.ext" "new name.ext"

pjaquiery 11-18-2004 03:27 PM

I suspect that rename gets used often enough that it would be worth doing a VBP step for it.

If it supported a wildcard rename and rename in sub-folders as options that would make it really usefull.

DHearn 11-23-2004 11:10 AM

You can also use the following global VB script:

' ***********************************************
' Renames a file
Sub RenameFile(SourceFile, DestFile, Overwrite)
' ensure that the target file does not exist
If Overwrite And vbld_FSO.FileExists(DestFile) Then
vbld_FSO.GetFile(DestFile).Delete True
End If
' rename the file
vbld_FSO.GetFile(SourceFile).Move DestFile
End Sub

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