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bkonia 11-23-2004 09:19 PM

Popup Calendar for Dates
Ultra Recall should automatically popup a calendar when the user clicks in a date field.

Kevin's response:

"A Popup calendar for dates is currently available via the menu (View | Other Windows | Calendar) or via a keyboard shortcut: Alt+C"

My response:

"I tried that and it works OK, but it's not ideal. Most datebook applications will automatically popup a calendar when you click on a date field. Having to go through menus or remember keyboard shortcuts every time you want a calendar is kind of inconvenient. Also, after you click on the date, the calendar should disappear and the date should automatically be copied into the field. Again, having to click on the "Copy and Paste" button is an extra step thats unnecessary. If you have some users who for whatever reason don't want the popup calendar, then make it a preference setting, but I think the default should be that the calendar pops up automatically."

Sarah 11-29-2004 03:04 PM

I agree 100%. I just made a template for Appointments & the Calendar feature is cumbersome...also, it would be nice if at least the calendar window could either stay open or agree with my TweakWindow software so I could pin it up. Without a calendar view, it's difficult for visual types to plan...

John Paquette 04-28-2006 09:52 PM

I also agree
ATNotes 9.5 (freeware) has a drop-down icon next to every date field, which pops up a calendar when you click on it. If you click on a date in the calendar, it is inserted in the field. You don't HAVE to click on that icon however, if you'd rather just click on the number for the month, day or year and change it.

In UR, there are two arrow buttons to the right of each date field, used for incrementing and decrementing the selected sub-field of the date. They do the same thing as the up and down arrow keys. I don't really see the value of these on-screen arrows.

I'd prefer in their place a button which pops up a calendar and lets me select, with a single click (i.e. no OK or PASTE button) the date I want to be in the date field. On click, the calendar then disappears and the date is put into the field.

I haven't bought UR yet, but I'd buy it immediately if this calendar pop-up were implemented (and if the reminder window didn't steal input focus when it popped up).

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