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UR user 12-15-2004 04:19 PM

managing digital camera pics
UR might be an easy way to manage digital pics. Is there anyway that it could read EXIF data, including date that the pic was shot?

I don't see those as item attributes and no easy way to access that data.

Just an idea.

kinook 12-15-2004 07:09 PM

Excellent suggestion. UR does currently process those custom file properties, but only to the extent of adding keywords for all string properties that are found. It wouldn't be too difficult to extend this to support automatic assignment of file properties to UR item attribute values. We'll consider this for a future release.

kevina 02-18-2005 11:28 AM

This feature was implemented with Ultra Recall Version 1.1.

You can download the latest version of Ultra Recall here:

You can view the "How to Upgrade to a newer version of Ultra Recall?" FAQ entry here:

Note: Version 1.1 is a minor version update and is free to all licensed users of Ultra Recall.

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