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pyang 12-16-2004 09:55 PM

Unable to run perlscript properly under Visualbuild

I have a problem running the perlscript *.pl under VisualBuild. Some how it just does not get it running properly.

After running the step, the output is build successfully completed. But in actual fact nothing was done.

But when i run the perl script from command prompt it works fine.

I've tried both ways, using the Run Program and Run Script steps.

In Run Program:
Under Command section - %DOSCMD% call ""
Start in section - C:\test\

In Run Script:
I pasted the entire script there and selected Perlscript under the language dropdown list.

Any idea?

pyang 12-16-2004 10:09 PM

Oh, i got it to work using the Run Program step but with a different comand in the command section.

I'm using %DOSCMD% "perl.exe" instead of %DOSCMD% call "C:\"

Some how the call does not seems to work.

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