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MarkS 01-10-2005 12:15 PM

New User Questions
I've just purchased UR and as I begin to enter data, some general questions have come up:

* Is is possible to indent text in the Text info item?

* Is the best/only way to tell if a web page is linked or stored the Document Size attribute? (Null = linked, not null = stored?)

* I like the "form" concept in the Contact's Item Details pane. I would like to set up a similar form for Tasks to enhance the usability of that info item. Is this possible?



kinook 01-10-2005 06:00 PM

Re: New User Questions

Originally posted by MarkS
I've just purchased UR and as I begin to enter data, some general questions have come up:

* Is is possible to indent text in the Text info item?

Yes, if 'Tools | Options | Editor | Insert tab character into editor when focused' is checked.


* Is the best/only way to tell if a web page is linked or stored the Document Size attribute? (Null = linked, not null = stored?)


* I like the "form" concept in the Contact's Item Details pane. I would like to set up a similar form for Tasks to enhance the usability of that info item. Is this possible?

User-customized forms are not currently supported, although we are considering if for a future release.

MarkS 01-10-2005 06:10 PM

Thanks for the quick responses.

On the tab question, I meant to ask about bullets, not text. Indenting text works as expected, but I can't seem to indent bullets. Is indenting bullets supported?



kevina 01-11-2005 02:21 PM

Currently you can't indent rtf bullets in Ultra Recall.

One option is to copy the text, paste it into an rtf editor (such as Microsoft Word), do the formatting there, then copy it back into Ultra Recall.
Note: You can also hit Ctrl+J (Open Document) to open the rtf editor with the text from the Info Item, then edit the text, and then copy it back (to eliminate a couple of steps).

We have added the capability of editing rtf text in a non-document Info Item externally with Open Document to our feature request list.

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