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ExtraLean 01-20-2005 11:25 AM

Importing URLs that need username and password
Could UR prompt for authorization instead of giving this error message (see below)? Also, would be nice to store the auth info for later attempts to import from the same website...

Ultra Recall
Error pasting text: Error importing '': Error retrieving page: 401 Authorization Required

kinook 01-20-2005 01:03 PM

If you're already logged into the site (in the internal or an external browser), you can drag the page's contents (for instance an order page) by selecting some or all (Ctrl+A) of the page and then drag/drop or copy/paste it into UR. To add an item in UR linking (not stored) to a page requiring login, add a new Document item, and update the URL to the login page, or copy an existing web page item and update its URL.

We do also have web form-filling capabilities on the list for a future release. For now, you can integrate a tool like RoboForm (for instance, by linking its login files into UR) and utilize its form filling capabilities.

ExtraLean 01-20-2005 01:12 PM


Originally posted by kinook
If you're already logged into the site (in the internal or an external browser), you can drag the page's contents (for instance an order page) by selecting some or all (Ctrl+A) of the page and then drag/drop or copy/paste it into UR. To add an item in UR linking (not stored) to a page requiring login, add a new Document item, and update the URL to the login page, or copy an existing web page item and update its URL.

We do also have web form-filling capabilities on the list for a future release. For now, you can integrate a tool like RoboForm (for instance, by linking its login files into UR) and utilize its form filling capabilities.

Sounds good but I had a password protected URL on the clipboard with the option to import the contents turned on and pressed Win+V, only to be shown the error above.

kinook 01-20-2005 01:16 PM

Right, it can't take a just URL that's password protected and store contents. If instead you copy part or all of page itself (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Win+V), it will be able to store that (as well as the URL if copying from IE).

ExtraLean 01-20-2005 03:07 PM


Originally posted by kinook
Right, it can't take a just URL that's password protected and store contents. If instead you copy part or all of page itself (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Win+V), it will be able to store that (as well as the URL if copying from IE).
Thanks. I was hoping that UR could prompt me for the auth info and store my password etc for future use if I told it to.

glenviewjeff 11-21-2008 12:44 PM

I'll second this request for a pop-up authentication request.


TMF 11-22-2008 08:50 PM

This shall work, unless my success with it was affected by some other aspects, as I don't have time to test it deeply:

Use the format:


of course that's only useful in some cases and standard authentication request would be better

J-Mac 11-29-2008 02:23 AM

Which browser/version are you using?

In another web page saving application I also use at times, what you describe is exactly the result I get using Firefox, my normal default browser. Yet capturing the same page from IE gives me the page exactly as it looks when I am logged in.

I can't say with certainty that Ultra Recall will behave the same; I'm using URp but I use a different method. In Firefox I always capture the page first using the Scrapbook extension, which makes a perfect copy of the entire page. Then I bring up the Scrapbook copy, right-click>Select All. Then right-click>Copy to Ultra Recall.

That gives me a good copy of the web page with me logged in. A couple more steps but it works well.


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