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ExtraLean 01-21-2005 08:03 PM

Printed Page Footer
Any chance of you guys removing the "Ultra Recall" label on the footer of printed pages?

Or, perhaps you would consider removing it on the registered version at least? I don't feel that it belongs there.

kinook 01-21-2005 11:27 PM

Go to preview first (File | Print Preview), then click the Page Setup button, switch to the Headers tab, adjust the headers and footers as desired, Ok the dialog, and click Print (your changes will persist for future preview/print).

ExtraLean 01-21-2005 11:55 PM


Originally posted by kinook
Go to preview first (File | Print Preview), then click the Page Setup button, switch to the Headers tab, adjust the headers and footers as desired, Ok the dialog, and click Print (your changes will persist for future preview/print).
Ahhh... got it, thanks! Should have RTFM but I didn't bother searching for it because I didn't expect to see it configurable!

Ok, so then what are the other valid "macro" values other than %longdate% and %page%? I did a search for "longdate" in the help file and it didn't return anything. Are they listed somewhere in the help file?

ExtraLean 01-22-2005 12:05 AM

Actually, if I blank out the "Left header" and "Left footer" then they get filled back in with defaults (i.e. the item title, and "Ultra Recall") the next time I do a preview. The center and right header/footer remember to stay blank when I return to the preview, as do the checkboxes for the lines. It remembers the values fine if I just *change* them, but blanking them out puts the defults back in.

Perhaps this is a bug?

kinook 01-24-2005 08:25 AM

This is actually by design. The left header and footer values are dynamic, defaulting to the item title and "Ultra Recall" if not provided (blank). So putting the value back to blank after modifying it is how UR knows to use the default/dynamic values. To show a blank value there, use a single space in these fields.

ExtraLean 01-24-2005 10:27 AM


Originally posted by kinook
To show a blank value there, use a single space in these fields.
Ok, will do. Althought I must say, that is kind of strange... If I tell UR to make it blank, it should be blank. Perhaps it should take an explicit action (checkbox or something) to use default values. No biggie I suppose.

How about my other question regarding the other possible "macros"? They aren't listed in the help file that I can tell.


kinook 01-24-2005 10:50 AM

You're right -- it would be cleaner to also use variables for the title and appname. The other variables that are available are (we'll also add this to the help):

%page% = Current page number

%total% = Total pages

%time% = The current time - displayed using the short form (without seconds) according to the user's current regional language settings.

%date% = Today's date - displayed using the short date format according to the user's current regional language settings.

%longdate% = Today's date - displayed using the long date format according to the user's current regional language settings.

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