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wussery 01-23-2005 09:52 PM

Evaluation Version Recommendation
I have created a template based on David Allen's Getting Things Done Methodology, which is a widely used process to manage one's day/life. My template cannot be opened in your evaluation version, because of the item limit. Have you given any thought to having a time limit on the use of the evaluation version of Ultra Recall, instead of an item limit?

Having an item limit prevents people from fully test driving the program and may prevent potential customers from evaluating your program in a manner that will give them a "true" test of how the program will work.

kinook 01-24-2005 08:44 AM

The evaluation version only prevents inserting new items if it's beyond a certain item # limit; it won't prevent opening a database with more items than the limit. Also, you can email us to request a temporary eval key that removes the item # limit. We currently limit the eval time (max # of uses or days, whichever comes later) and # of items since it's not all that difficult to work around the time limit. We might consider relaxing the item # limit some; how many items are in your template database? Thanks.

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