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johnd 01-25-2005 05:21 PM

Innosetup 5
I'm using VB 5.6b with Innosetup 5.07 and having a problem with the Commandline generated by the Innosetup action.

The Inno Setup action builds a commandline with the parameters prior to the script name ie:

iscc.exe /omydir myinstall.iss

Innosetup wants to have the script name as the first parameter followed by any other options and generates an error that it cant find the scriptfile if it isnt.

Data Techniques, Inc.

kinook 01-26-2005 08:46 AM

iscc.exe 5.0.7 documents the usage as

Usage: iscc [options] scriptfile.iss

That's the order VBP's Inno Setup action passes the options to it, and it works here in my testing. Can you provide a test case the demonstrates the problem? Thanks.

johnd 01-26-2005 08:59 AM


Turns out if you have the Inno Setup Preprocessor option installed the commandline params are the oposite of the install with just the Innosetup compiler. On my install with the preprocessor i get:

[c:\program files\inno setup 5]iscc.exe
Inno Setup 5 Command-Line Compiler
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
Portions by Martijn Laan
Inno Setup Preprocessor
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Alex Yackimoff. All rights reserved.

Usage: isppcc scriptfile [ definition | option ]...

scriptfile filename of Inno Setup script (.iss),
'-' to read from standard input

definition emulates #define directive:
/d[=] #define public

option emulates #pragma directive:
/$(+|-) #pragma option -(+|-)
/p(+|-) #pragma parseroption -(+|-)
/i #pragma include
/s #pragma inlinestart
/e #pragma inlineend
/v #pragma verboselevel
specify output path:
specify output filename:

I'll just do a DOS command to work around this for now.


kinook 01-26-2005 10:04 AM

Hmmm. It appears that iscc.exe will actually accept the parameters on either side, so changing the Inno Setup action to put them after the script filename may solve the problem. We'll have to investigate to see what version(s) of iscc supported this or create a compatibility flag.

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