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pjaquiery 01-26-2005 03:38 PM

Mac server wally file permissions
I have an exceeding strange situation where VBP can't find a .bld file from a "Build a Project" step, but the exact file path string given in the message log can be pasted into Explorer or onto a command line to open the build project.

The project file resides on a Mac server using Samba to massage file permissions and I suspect that there is a premission problem. But it's very odd that however VBP is checking for the presence of the file is failing, but that any other technique that I have tried seems to work.

kinook 01-26-2005 04:24 PM

Just to verify, you're using the VisBuildPro Project action and it's failing with the message "Project file '' not found"?

The logic for that code is essentially:

bool FileExists(LPCTSTR filename)
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(filename);

if (!FileExists(projfile))
// show error message and fail the step

Are you able to create a test app to see what GetFileAttributes returns for this file? Thanks.

pjaquiery 01-26-2005 04:36 PM

Mac server problems was a red herring.

Turns out that a text file containing the list of projects to be built had been corrupted with extra cr characters in each cr/lf "pair" and the extra cr was being included as part of the file name. It's hard to see cr characters :-)

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