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tmasters 02-02-2005 11:12 AM

Implementing a calendar within UR?
I'm playing around with the creation of a personal calendar in UR. Obviously, UR can be used to organize such hierarchical relationships, just as I have used plain-vanilla outliners to do so in the past.

Is anyone else doing this? UR clearly has a lot of power and dimensions beyond that of outliners, so I'm trolling for others' creative insights and/or implementations. Alternately, are there other programs whose calendar functions work well for you *in conjunction with* UR?

I could also use some help: I haven't yet figured out how to maintain a list of child items - days of the week, in this case - in a desired order (Monday, Tuesday,...). My attempted solution is to add a column for chrono order, so I can associate each day with a number 1 thru 7, and then sort on that column. In trying to implement this, I've added the column (of type "number"), but have been scratching my head as to how to actually enter the appropriate numbers. I haven't discovered how to edit or input such data. What am I missing? I'm guessing there's some way to have the attributes of choice show up in the Item Attribute pane, where they can be edited just as the current attributes can. I just haven't discovered how.


kevina 02-02-2005 11:07 PM

When you add a new Attribute directly in the Item Attributes Pane, the only property of the Attribute you have access to directly is the name (and the Category based on where you insert it).

You need to use the Attributes Editor to view (and change from the defaults) the other properties of an Attribute. The Attributes Editor is available at Tools -> Attributes... . Scroll to the appropriate Attribute, then click on the Properties button. From there you can assign the desired List Values, then check the Restrict values to list checkbox to only be able to use the predefined values (if that is desired).

tmasters 02-03-2005 11:08 AM

OK, I figured it out.

I had actually already done exactly what you described, but what I just now figured out is that I need to change the template's attributes, not the item's, in order for the attribute to show up in the Item Attributes Pane. That was not at all obvious to me. But then I had yet to explore templates.

Minor typos: In both the Help files and online manual, the referred-to "Attributes Editor" is just "Attributes" in the actual window title. It had me looking for the former when I already had found the latter. BTW, your documentation is way better than mine ever was :)

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