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tshanno 02-02-2005 05:55 PM

Deleting icons?
I've found that I'm accumulating icons at an alarming rate. Is there anyway that I can delete the icons from the system in such a way that they won't always appear in the drop down box under the Item Attributes? I find myself wading through literally 50-100 icons to find the few that I use on a consistent basis to mark items.

Tom S.

kevina 02-07-2005 11:40 AM

On our list for a future version is a better system of managing the icons contained in an Info Database.

Currently when the last Info Item referencing a user-added Icon is permanently deleted, the icon is also deleted. However, if a user-added icon is unreferenced by changing the icon for related Info Items, it isn't deleted. This behaviour will be addressed in a future minor release of Ultra Recall.

kevina 02-18-2005 11:14 AM

Version 1.2a of Ultra Recall is available which will remove icons when they are unreferenced as described earlier in this thread (as well as several other bug fixes and enhancements).

You can download the latest version of Ultra Recall here:

You can view the "How to Upgrade to a newer version of Ultra Recall?" FAQ entry here:

Note: Version 1.2a is a minor version update and is free to all licensed users of Ultra Recall.

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