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GrahamS 02-03-2005 09:07 AM

Checking for application existance
Is there a nice easy way to check if an application (one that has inbuild VBP support) is installed on a particular machine?

I have two machines running VBP, one of which doesn't have support for MSDEV. I would like to set up a build rule to skip building the MSDEV builds so that I can use the same script on both machines. (I currently check against COMPUTERNAME but that means the machine name is hard wired - which is so tacky)

kinook 02-03-2005 09:37 AM

A conditional build rule of

%REG_READ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\App Paths\msdev.exe\","Not Found")%

is not equal to

Not Found

should work.

GrahamS 02-04-2005 05:35 AM

Thanks, that worked fine - after I had removed the superflous space at the beginning of the key name :-)

kinook 02-04-2005 08:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
What I pasted did not have a space there; it seems that the forum software formatted it that way (and the newline in the middle as well). Attached is a sample step with the same build rule in case anyone else needs this capability.

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