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lattara 02-10-2005 07:59 PM

EVC workspace reloading for each project
I have a workspace with about 60 projects in it and when I do a build, it loads the workspace for each projects.

What I'd like is to call EVC with the workspace and which project that I want to build and it will go through the dependencies and build each project. In otherwords, the command line would be EVC.EXE workspace.vcw /MAKE "Application - Win32 (WCE ARMV4i) Release MinDependency" /NORECURSE /ceconfig=A404_DEV_IMAGE_REV_C

My workspace actually contains 2 applications in it, so I know I need to call it twice ( 1 for each application ).

kinook 02-11-2005 09:15 AM

The Make VC6 action processes each project in the workspace individually to provide extra functionality (versions, base address, properties, etc.) for each one. If you don't use dependencies for library linking, and if you uncheck the 'Support library dependencies when building multi-project workspaces' option on the Project/Workspace tab, the action will specify the .vcp filename for each project instead of the .vcw file, which will be faster.

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