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hhollick 02-17-2005 04:48 AM

Highlighting sections of web pages
Is it possible to highlight sections of a web page (i.e. With a yellow highlighter) that I have stored locally?

I like to archive web articles that I have read and I like to highlight sections that are significant. I am playing with the trial version and I could not seem to enable the highlighter. Is this, or will it be a feature, in UR?


kevina 02-17-2005 10:08 AM

Currently this feature is not available, but it is on our new feature request list already (and is on our list for inclusion in a future version of Ultra Recall).

kevina 02-17-2005 02:06 PM

One feature that might be of interest to you is the Item Notes Pane, which allows you to add rich text annotation to Info Items (including web pages).

You could drag the text from the web page you want to highlight to the Item Notes Pane (by default this Pane is docked as the second tab with the Item Attributes Pane in the upper right corner of Ultra Recall). In this Pane you can also do highlighting and text formatting.

hhollick 02-17-2005 04:04 PM

Using the note field has potential. I will keep playing with it.

Thanks for the reply.


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