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KEMA 03-11-2005 04:13 PM

Searching for linked Items
Hi everybody!

I'm trying UR for two days now - it's really an amazing tool! For now, I have two questions / suggestions:

Is there a way to search for linked Items? The idea is to search for linked Sub-Items by using the search option 'Limit search to bold item in Data Explorer pane'. The actual release of UR only finds not linked items. I would like to build an info base with various categories, each of them represented as a folder item in data explorer. The data items I have, have to be assigned to more than one of these categories, what I will realize using logical linking. Now I would like to be able to search for all items assigned to a specific category. How this could be done?

Second, item attributes are a great feature in UR. I only miss one thing: The ability to create sub attributes and sub attribute-categories. This would be a great enhancement of UR!


kevina 03-14-2005 05:57 PM

Since all the Info Items belonging to a Category will be children/grandchildren of a single Info Item (the Category folder), the simplest way to get a list of these matching Info Items is to create a Saved Quick Search Info Item with a blank criteria and Limit search to bold item in Data Explorer pane checkbox checked.

To create the Saved Search Info Item: Start a Quick Search, ensure the criteria blank, check the checkbox mentioned above, then click the Copy button. Give the new search Info Item a name (maybe something like: "All Children").

To use: Select the appropriate Category folder Info Item. Then Select the Saved Search Info Item. The Related Items Pane (labeled Search Results) will display a flat list of Info Items that are linked to the bold Category.

Can you elaborate on sub Attribute/Attribute Categories and how they would be implemented? I don't quite follow what you are asking for... (examples would probably be helpful).

KEMA 03-15-2005 03:21 AM

Hi kevina

Thank you for the answer. The way to search for items you describe does not find logical linked items (to the bold item in data explorer pane), only items that are "direct" created as child items of the bold item in data explorer pane. My question is how to find the logical linked items also.

In current Version of UR you can assign an attribute to one category. I have a lot of attributes and I should be able to organize them in a more flexible way:

1) Nested Attribute Categories. Example:
-- System
Access Count 47
Date accessed 15.03.2005
-- MyAttributes
-- AttributeGroup1
Attribute1 No
Attribute2 123
-- AttributeGroup2
Attribute3 Text
Attribute4 Yes
Attribute5 No
-- AttributeGroup2.1
Attribute6 456
Attribute7 Text
-- AttributeGroup3

Hint: It should be possible to give two Attributes in different categories the same name. If in the example above Attribute1 is labeled with 'Name', e.g. the Attribute3 or Attribute7 should also possible to be labeled with 'Name'.

2) Sub Attributes: An Attribute (Type) that contains Sub Attributes:

-- MyAttributes
MyComposedAttribute1 Text
= SubAttribute1 Yes
= SubAttribute2 123

Sub Attributes means, that you can assign attributes to an attribute. Always when you assign the Attribute 'MyComposedAttribute1' to an Item, the whole construct including the SubAttributes will be assigned to the Item.


KEMA 03-15-2005 03:38 AM

(Submitting deleted the leading spaces in the examples above. They should look like this) ;)

-+ System
---- Access Count
---- Date accessed
-+ MyAttributes
---+ AttributeGroup1
------ Attribute1
------ Attribute2
---+ AttributeGroup2
------ Attribute3
------ Attribute4
------ Attribute5
------+ AttributeGroup2.1
--------- Attribute6
--------- Attribute7
---+ AttributeGroup3

-+ MyAttributes
---+ MyComposedAttribute1 Text
------ SubAttribute1
------ SubAttribute2

kinook 03-17-2005 11:39 AM

Thanks for that clarification on your requested feature.

You correctly point out that suggested solution for seeing all the Info Items belonging to a "Category" Info Item. It should work but a bug currently exists preventing some Logically Linked Info Items from being identified with a Limited Search...

We are working on a fix for this bug which should be available soon...

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