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Richard Spooner 03-14-2005 05:17 AM

Viewer thumdrive installation
I have installed the free viewer onto a usb thumbdrive along with a copy of my database. This allows me to access information from my database whilst at someone elses pc. It seems to work OK on the few PC's I've tried.

However, to make sure that the viewer can run on as many platforms as possible are there any other dll's I should copy to my thumdrive?

kevina 03-14-2005 07:01 PM

Since two different versions of the viewer (and also of the full version) exist (one for Win 98/ME and Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003 or later), you may want to install both versions (either to separate folders, or just rename the executable of one version as all other installed files are currently identical).

The installation only installs files to the installation path, so no additional support files are needed.

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