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Richard Spooner 03-14-2005 06:33 AM

Visio Drawing template
I have created templates for the normal ms office document types (.doc,.xls...) but am stuggling to create one for Visio documents. When I try to open a document I get a dialog box saying that it cannot find the document.

What gives?

kevina 03-14-2005 09:33 PM

Hmm, just tested it here at it works as expected. What is generating the error dialog you are seeing? Can you post it as an image?

The steps I took to create a stored visio template:
1) Start Visio, create a blank document based on the desired Visio template, and saved it to disk.
2) Moved that new .vsd file into Ultra Recall under the Templates system Info Item.
3) Changed the Template Name and Item Title attribute values.
4) Changed the Url attribute to ".vsd" (without " " symbols).

I can then create new stored visio documents directly in Ultra Recall based on this new template...

Note: I also added .vsd to the following option extension lists:
-> Tools | Documents | File extensions to open stored docuemnts writeable: (so I can edit embedded vsd files externally)
-> Tools | Browser | File extensions to display in internal browser view: (if you want to view/edit vsd files in the internal browser view within Ultra Recall)
Note for the second option to work, you also need to ensure the .vsd extension is NOT in the following option extension list:
-> Tools | Documents | File extensions to edit/view externally

Richard Spooner 03-15-2005 02:50 AM

Problem solved.

When I created the original visio document I didn't choose a template type.


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