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jfreedman 03-28-2005 04:21 PM

VBP automation from ASP.NET, who does it run as?
Hey all,

I've found a solution to my problem, but was just wondering if it could be done differently.

I have a VBP project that I invoke using automation from a web site.

One step of the vbp is to copy files across the network, and it would still fail on the web if I set impersonation to a user with access rights or configured the web site's security to run as a person with access.

The only workaround I could find was to add VisBuildSrv.Builder and VisBuildSrv.Application to COM+, it would then be able to copy the files over running as the authorized user.

Is there another way to do this without involving COM+?


kinook 03-29-2005 11:26 AM

The VBP automation objects are in-process servers, so they will run under the credentials/identity/context of the process that creates them. For ASP.NET projects, here is one article that describes how this identity is configured:

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