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Old 08-07-2007, 03:19 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: v3.2 rename in link/move/copy

Originally posted by janrif
Kinook, In <ALT>L rename/move, this is what happened to me. 2 scenarios

1. I focused on an item in imported folder. Context menu, select copy/move/link. Renamed item to be moved then found destination & completed move command.

Result: item was renamed & copied to destination.
In my tests, the item is moved as long as the selected Action is Move.

2. I selected another item in imported folder to test again but UR focus remained on destination from former use so to rename, i would have to scroll down to selected item, then rename, etc.

Wouldn't it make more sense for <ALT>L or context menu command focus on item selected in tree rather than retaining last cursor position, i.e. destination last time function was used?
The expectation is that the user may move several items to the same destination, and so UR remembers the last destination and defaults to it the next time. The original feature request was to be able to insert new items in that dialog, but since it was easy to also allow renaming we added that too. You can rename the source item in the Data Explorer pane instead. We'll consider adding an option as to whether the source or destination is selected by default (but multiple selection would make the former a bit ambiguous).
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