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Old 08-17-2007, 02:51 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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Below is a sample Run Script vbscript that creates a new project with a single Run Script (jscript) step, which retrieves the computer name with jscript, which the VBScript "uses". This is derived from the Script.bld sample.

jscript = "var cname = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Network').ComputerName;" & vbcrlf & _
	"Application.Macros(vbldMacroProject).Add('CNAME', cname);"

val = RunJScript(jscript, "CNAME")
msgbox val

Function RunJScript(script, macroName)
	Dim objApp, objBld, objStep

	' create VisBuildPro app and build objects and connect
	Set objBld = CreateObject("VisBuildSvr6.Builder")
	Set objApp = CreateObject("VisBuildSvr6.Application")
	objBld.Initialize objApp

	' create an empty LOGFILE macro to disable logging of the
	' temporary project
	objApp.Project.Macros.Add "LOGFILE", ""

	' create a project that creates a file
	' add a write File step and set its properties
	Set objStep = objApp.Project.Steps(vbldStepMain).Add("Run Script")
	objStep.Name = "Run JScript"
	objStep.Indent = 0
	objStep.Property("Language") = "JScript"
	objStep.Property("Script") = script

	' build the dynamic project
	if objBld.SyncBuild() = vbldBuildCompDone Then
		RunJScript = objApp.Project.Macros(macroName).Value
		builder.LogMessage "Error in script"
		step.BuildStatus = vbdStepStatFailed
	End If
End Function
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