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Old 08-31-2007, 08:25 AM
Jon Polish Jon Polish is online now
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Join Date: 07-21-2006
Posts: 391
OK, this problem is completely reproducable for me. One tab is open, so this is not tab related.

1. Have "Combined text for multiple selection" enabled.
2. Select a decent number of items (in my case I selected 10 - 15)
3. Now quickly delete those items. If the Item Detail pane is still refreshing, you will get a Microsoft window announcing their sorrow that UR has to be closed.

There is no denying that UR is SLOW. It is slow while importing, it is slow during synchs, it is slow (as reported in another thread) capturing web pages, it is slow opening large numbers of child items in the Explorer window. I have tried to improve the speed and stability on a number of different computers and have implemented Kinook's registry tweaks. Some combinations are incrementally better, but not functionally better (for me). By that I mean that there may be some performance improvement, but only when compared with UR. When compared to other programs, well forget it.

I think that the users in this thread have identified some failures as being caused by acting too quickly before UR completes its task. So what? Speed and accuracy are essential to computing. Why should users adapt to the limitations of the program?

I like UR very much and the potential it has is wonderful. I would characterize myself as a UR realist, not a UR loyalist. Performance issues need to be radically improved because usability suffers. Now there is some evidence that performance issues can also effect program stability.

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