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Old 09-07-2007, 12:54 PM
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Re: Need some help/advise on importing emails into UR

Originally posted by jjinwi
I'm trying to copy email attachments from Outlook into UR and I'm having some issues:

#1. If I open the email and drag the attachment into UR it creates a new folder and an icon of the attachment appears in the reading window-not the tree... very strange.... What is happening?? (I only want to save the attachment... not the email)
That creates a document item in UR for the attachment in our tests. Please ZIP and send to
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info
2) The version+SP of Outlook
3) Run RegEdit and export the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall\Options"
4) A .urd file with an item that demonstrates the problem
5) The Outlook message with attachment being dragged.

#2. If I select an email in Outlook and use the hot key (win + v) I get the "import into UR" window but when I click OK nothing happens. IF instead I click on the UR tool bar button the import window open and when I click OK the email message imports correctly.
The global import hotkey imports the clipboard contents; you need to copy the Outlook selection to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) to import the Outlook selection that way.

#3. When I import an email with an attachment... is there any way to view the attachment without having to open the email?? For example in Web Research it shows the email item and below the item it shows the individual attachments.
No, you have to open the message (Item | Open Document or Ctrl+J) to access its attachments.

#4. When I import an email with an attachment, does UR index the attachment??
Yes, if UR understands the file type and it's configured for keywording.

#5. When import an email message... I lose the formatting and hyperlinks are gone... Is there a switch or something to maintain the formatting???
UR's internal MIME viewer displays the text part of an Outlook message (unless there isn't one; then it uses the HTML part if available). Use Item | Open Document or Ctrl+J to view an imported Outlook message in the Outlook message viewer with
original formatting.
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