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Old 09-07-2007, 07:43 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Join Date: 10-11-2006
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Another 2 cents...

Is there really a reason to prefer rtf over html?

Suggestion: I think that html would actually be a superior method of creating richly formatted text - RIFT.

In fact, if you could implement it with CSS that would be nifty. All you'd have to do to do it is let me specify Notetab Pro as my ctrl+J editor.



Addendum: one more comment in defense of URP3. New programs are probably easier to create than are mature ones to modify. I think Kinook has been REMARKABLE giving us what we users want. I continue to be wowwed by hoisting (can't say thanks enough for that). When sqlnotes matures, some "new kid" will seem like the greener grass and you'll face the same migration questions... My take is simply this: I look at the quality of the company and how responsive they have been. And unless someone comes along with a quantum jump order-of-magnitude better product, I see no reason to be overly upset just because not every one of my preferences is being fulfilled.

Addendum #2: That said, Kinook, giving us a real RIFT solution *would* be on a par with hoisting.

Last edited by wordmuse; 09-07-2007 at 07:51 PM.
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