Re: Re: some VBP eval issues
Thank you for taking the time to provide a considered response. VBP is a good product - I just had a few annoyances with it that were mainly due to the fact that my I don't know how to use it. I'm getting better as I go along but I think Help could have saved me a bit of time to start with. Also, I do believe that the in-line macro functions are useful to have but wouldn't it be great to have the extra actions as well? Programmer types would like the inline stuff and non-programmer types would love to see the useful actions... I found another one that I would like to see... 'List Folders'.
For example, 'if / then / else' must be one of the most basic programming constructs but it's not mentioned anywhere. I got real frustrated with this. Although VBP doesn't have specific if / then / else actions, I think the workarounds could be mentioned in help.
I wasted a lot of time trying to get if / then / else working as you described and, in the end, it turned out that the parameter I was using was case sensitive... Or at least making the parameter case the same in the chained projects seemed to fix it. eg. %MyParameter% vs. %myparameter%.
When trying to use the Group action for the first time as an 'if' action, I wanted to know more about the exact meaning of the definitions in the 'build only if macro or expression' pull-down box that gives the operators like 'is defined', 'is undefined', etc. When I clicked Help, the resulting Help Page just restated the options instead of defining them. Maybe I was being dumb at the time but I wanted to know if 'undefined' meant 'nothing assisged' or 'the macro doesn't exist'. At the time, due to the case sensitivity issue (I think) and trying to figure out how to test for an unassigned/empty macro, I spent much more time that I should have trying to get it working. I felt at the time that Help could have giving me a bit more info to solve the issues.
I haven't got any more time to write about the other issues in more detail but will follow up tomorrow if I can.