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Old 10-01-2007, 11:36 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Editing Storege Web Content: An Effective Solution/work-around

I just wanted to add this suggestion on editing stored web pages via UR. Unfortunately, Nando has not been updated and it returns more errors that it needs to.

1) Of course, make sure you list HTML extension in 'documents to open stored writable' under options/documents.

2) Install FREE HTML Quick Edit Bar from

3) To edit a stored document ...
if you're default is Firefox, do a control+E then 'edit' to open IE for editing. If using IE, simply do control+J and edit.

4) edit as you wish, save, then close IE

5) go back to UR and resume internal editing. Your changes should be propagated.
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