Incremental VB6 builds not always working when a reference changes?
I would like to know if there are any reasons that would cause Visual Build not to rebuild a project when a related project has been rebuilt. The "Exclude references when determining the need for incremental build" is not checked, and we were successfully able to use this feature for a couple of builds. We're setting all projects to project compatibility before building.
In our build, project A is referenced by project B. Project A is modified and recompiled first by Visual Basic, but project B is not recompiled because Visual Build thinks the project has not changed. However project B is newer than it's compiled DLL on disk. After recompiling project A Visual Build correctly updated the references in all related projects but did not recompile every projects that were referring it.
I would gladly send a sample project to reproduce this problem, however there are more than 50 projects in our project group totalling almost 1.5gb in source files.
Are there any guidelines we need to follow for this feature to work? Anybody here ever had similar problems? Would enabling "Set binary compatibility after compile" help?
Thank you.