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Old 10-08-2007, 04:40 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: button to jump to current item in the tree pane

Originally posted by jschrot
It often happens during editing an item that scroll up or down the tree (e. g. to insert a link to another item) without opening another item. It would then be very convenient if I could jump back in the tree to the currently edited item with a click on a button. There should be a button which always locates in the tree pane the item currently visible in the item pane.
One way: View | Scroll to Top on the menu. You can assign a keyboard shortcut and/or put this on a toolbar via Tools | Customize.

Another way: Alt+G, Up Arrow, Enter.

This would also be very convenient in using searches since it would allow to easily locate an item that one opens by clicking on a search result. (Right now one has to look in the parents item where the currently visible item is located in the tree and then has to scoll through the tree to locate the currently visible item.)
To navigate to a search result in the tree, double-click on the search result (or press Enter after selecting); to go to its parent in the tree, double-click on the parent in Item Parents (or Ctrl+6, Enter).
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