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Old 10-11-2007, 04:47 PM
janrif janrif is offline
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Originally posted by kinook
#1. If the message has attachments, their filenames should be shown in the Attachments field in the Detail pane. To view the actual attachments, open the message in its associated application (Ctrl+J or Item | Open Document).

#2. Yes, if the attached document(s) are recognized by UR and are configured to be keyworded. The entire original message, including any attachments, is stored in UR.
I'm using Thunderbird extension to send email to UR via the extension. The msg is imported fine but I don't see evidence of your #1 or #2.

Email appears in document template, detail page has no indication of attachment but it may well be stored & keyworded in UR. I have no way of knowing.
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