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Old 10-15-2007, 09:45 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Actually - I created a document based on my Word template and saved it as base1.rtf.

Closing and opening base1.rtf in Word confirmed that the styles persevere in the RTF format.

I imported the RTF file into the URP3 templates folder - storing, not linking.

Now I can create a new item based on the template, but if I change so much as a single character, the styles are lost. The text looks the same, but going out to Word, the styles aren't associated with the text.

I'm talking basic styles like Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.

Now let me head off one possible side discussion. Why RTF instead of DOC? Because on my machine I can't for the life of me get UPR3 to show .doc files within the URP3 interface. RTF files work fine. I don't have the patience to monkey around trying to get that to work, especially when RTF is good enough.


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