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Old 10-26-2007, 12:54 AM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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trans-infobase logical linking and why


I'd like to make a pitch for getting logical linking to the point where you can link across infobases.

Here's why.

If I change the structure of my information (i.e., how I want to organize it), and if I have, as I do, a lot of information stored in an infobase, I have to make a pretty significant effort to migrate the information I want to the new structure.

The problem is that I might not yet be ready to commit to the new structure. If the new structure dead ends on me, I currently have to make sure that I've got the most recent items from either the old infobase or the new one. This is not a trivial task.

With logical linking across the infobases, this problem goes away. I in an item into whatever infobases I want. If I update the item in one spot, it automatically updates wherever it exists. Now I can discard and even delete the new infobase and never worry that the individual items are not the most recent. Wherever I update them, that covers me perfectly.

I hope this request isn't a developer's nightmare. But it really would be helpful to me. Probably to others, too.

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