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Old 11-01-2007, 08:52 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: insert new data at top

Originally posted by janrif
I do it the same way you do but I think the problem for me comes from my usage. Most of my text entry work is done in forms. So cursor does go to the top of the page, i.e. top of form where title resides but I need to go to top of details area. Does this make sense. I mean am I explaining this so you can see the problem? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
It makes sense, but weren't you saying before that it goes to "END" of item? Now you say the problem is because it goes to item's form.

OK, this should be then a request to Kinook.
There are already options to set focus to item details, and set focus to form when inserting.

The first option could be split into two, to cover all possible options of user needs:
1.set focus to item details form
2. set focus to item details (the actual text area)

and the current "set focus to form when inserting." would become the sub-option of 2.
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