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Old 11-03-2007, 01:22 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
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Re: Item notes suggestions

Originally posted by dspady
2. Would it be possible to put item notes at the BOTTOM of the data item window, much the way that child items is already. This would allow easier reading of the data item field and taking of notes at the same time.
In the Title Bar for the Item Notes Pane there is an area to the extreme left (four vertical dots - any Pane Title with these can be re-positioned), if you click-hold-drag on this you can position the Pane to your choosing.

Once you have the pane set where you want it, close the pane, then re-open (Ctrl-5) and it should open to where you placed it. This positioning should be persistent across sessions (and should be true for all panes that are re-positioned by the user).

Note: the closing and re-opening of the pane is only to illustrate that the re-positioned pane will re-open in the chosen position.

When you enter re-positioing mode, placement arrows showup on the screen in the various areas where you can position panes. Play around and it should be evident how these work.

Last edited by ashwken; 11-04-2007 at 11:43 PM.
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