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Old 11-04-2007, 08:06 PM
TMF TMF is online now
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Join Date: 04-02-2007
Posts: 57
Originally posted by kinook
When importing from other applications, UR will use the database that was last active.
What exactly means "active" ?
Is there something more needed for activation than just clicking the database button on the toolbar ?

I have one db open. Now I want to import from firefox, so I will click that another db (where I want to import to) button on the toolbar, and even click on a different item than the default one in that another db, so that the db "gets activated".

Yet when I switch back to FF, and click the UR plugin icon, the import works but not on the active db, but on the previously opened one.

It's happening often, but not all the time. I can't reproduce it in 100% of cases.

But if it's only me who has this problem, I'll stop hunting it for the time being.

Could this be related: in another of the 6 databases, not involved in the above frequent incident, I had 3 recurring appointments setup for each day. They were not popping up for a long time (weeks), but suddenly started appearing again few days ago. I have noticed the same, though for shorter time periods, in the past as well. Could that be also connected with the fact that that database wasn't "active" eventhough it's located on my database toolbar thus getting opened (I hope) with every start of Ultrarecall?

Last edited by TMF; 11-04-2007 at 08:12 PM.
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