tab title - needs other user comments
Has had anyone had an experience in which you have several tabbed windows open & when you close one tab, the title of the closed tab jumps to the next focused tab, i.e.
Tab A = 'ABC' & contains info about the alphabet
Tab B = "XYZ" & contains info about zoo animals
Close Tab B
Tab A Title changes to "XYZ? but content remains info about the alphabet
On my PC this happens when more than 2 tabs r open but I can't give u steps to recreate but this has happened enumerable times.
I am a fast keyboarder so my moves are fast, when finished w one tab I quickly close it & jump to another tab.
Already reported is some other issue w quick situations whereby URp may not have had enough time to complete a task before another task (ex: an automated search) may take focus. So this may be related.
Has anyone else come across this tab false name situation?