Thread: tag cloud
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Old 11-10-2007, 06:36 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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more thoughts on this

I was browsing a blog earlier today and they had a tag
cloud. I could easily see what were the dominant themes
of the blog without having to read a single entry.

A relevance list would be useful, but it's not the
same. Really - if you think about it, you know this is
true. A relevance list as discussed in this thread
presumably shows you the most relevant ITEM TITLES -
which may or may not reveal the most dominant themes.

Let me spell this out to avoid confusion: I could, in
principle, give each item an arbitrary title, like
asdfsdf and jlkjlkjl. And the content could be ordinary
content, like an import from various websites. So there
is no logical connection between an item's title and
its content. The only connections are by intention.

But a tag cloud wouldn't care. It simply reads the
entire content and reveals the dominant themes, no
matter what I titles I give the items.

And clicking a cloud item would, I hope, reveal all the
Explorer Pane items associated with the tag cloud word.

I would personally find this tremendously helpful -
mainly after import of lots of new content - but in
general as well.

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