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Old 11-10-2007, 09:52 PM
$bill $bill is online now
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Join Date: 09-14-2006
Posts: 210
Originally posted by quant
they are in subdirectory of "backup location" and with modified names.
SyncbackSE 'versions' are in a HIDDEN subdirectory 'backup location'/$SBV$ which may explain why you didn't find them.

Either change the Windows explorer to show hidden files or just use the SyncbackSE restore feature to restore the backup versions to a folder of your choice and then inspect them. Finding a "good" backup copy depends upon when you ran Syncback in relation to your editing of the data file (the log files may help) and that you are indeed editing the same file as you are backing up...

In consideration of the Save as possibility - If you haven't already done this I would try using windows search (or equivalent) to search all drives for *.urd as quant suggested...
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