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Old 11-13-2007, 03:01 AM
Semanticum Semanticum is online now
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Join Date: 08-08-2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 11
I voted for one big database with many Info item types. But I two additional bigger databases and a smaller one.

The big database:
Task and project management, contacts, notes, files, and favorites -> used at work.

The second bigger database:
Web research, favorites, quick notes (general), user accounts, passwords.

The third bigger database:
Research, Book notes and summaries, link collections for a particular topic (for example C#, Text Mining etc.)

One small database:
All private information like bank accounts, contacts, notes etc.

It is a difficult question. Smaller databases have the advantage of being faster and easier to handle. One big database has the advantage of having everything in one file and that you can use the internal linking and logical linking.

I carry all my UR databases on a 1 GB USB stick. I am thinking of buying an external hardrive with 80 GB very soon. External hardrives are faster and I can use it for backups.

My two cents to logical linking: It is more powerful than you might think in the beginning. The more you use it the better it gets. Having the Item Parents window open gives you all information where the item has been linked to. This can be very interesting. The drawback of logical linking is time. I often 'forget' it or I am too lazy during the daily business.

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