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Old 11-13-2007, 03:16 PM
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Re: Application Architecture?

Originally posted by Quantum7
In the roadmaps current form it seems alot of feature's are simply there because users want them, instead of them being embedded in a company vision on the application (making feature bloat prevention easier).
I wouldn't see feature bloat as a problem. Take for example Word or Excel, they have literally thousands of functions, if you use only 100 of them, fine ... the problem is that the programmer's time is limited so they have to prioritize "properly" ... ie. in line with their vision of program's future.

Originally posted by kinook
The vision for UR is make its users more productive, and the future direction of UR is highly influenced by user feedback, since they usually know best what makes them more productive.
that's great. Who can know better than the users who use the software all day long every day? Obviously, it's good if the user base is wide enough to cover people from various background and possibly already having experience with different programs and bringing their "know-how" to UR. I'm always glad to see people joining UR forum sharing their experience.

Slightly off topic, nevertheless I state what I consider to be important feature set to be implemented in the future:

1. UR already provides very good file management. But with growing databases (speed is still excellent), UR search features become bottleneck. This needs to be addressed, either by improving the internal search or by allowing other search programs to index UR databases.

2. Time management. Not much to be said here. Proper calendar pane with all the 'obvious' features is needed.

3. I envision that UR could be a very competitive "Mind Mapping Tool", with only a little effort. When I trialled various programmes like TheBrain, Mind Manager, ... I didn't find anything special in there. UR already contains almost everything, logical linking, internal linking, hoisting, the files/web can be attached, item text/notes, attributes. The only missing thing is the "presentation layer". This could be done as a few simple layouts in Data explorer pane.

So to wrap it up, UR motto could be:

Get organized, be productive, be creative:

- organize all your information
- organize your time
- once you organized yourself, that's not all there's to it. There's a next step -> be creative. View your information effectively, and use it to create new information/connections from your ideas.
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