Thread: Mind Mapping
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Old 11-14-2007, 10:15 AM
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Originally posted by Quantum7
Are you suggesting we can use this to add content to UR / view existing elements in a graphical way? I.e. adding a note to element A in the 3D overview, would actually create a child beneath element A in the browser? Inserting an existing item would create a logical link? Etcetera.

If so, that sounds pretty useful, as it would integrate tightly with the existing data structure of UR and would simply be a very graphical way in which to view / manage the data (powerful).
basically another view of the Data explorer tree. I'm sure you are aware that you are able to logically link items, in which case the item has more than one parent. Thus the "Data explorer tree" is actually no longer a TREE because it contains cycle. This means that Data explorer tree cannot display the structure UR allows you to create. What we have, is a GRAPH. Now the question is how to display it. There are many ways to do it in 2D, and I already gave suggestions on this subject several times ;-)

The example in this thread is in fact 3D which is even better, because having another dimension allows better graph layout

Originally posted by Quantum7
If you're talking about purely mind manager functionality (without any relation to the data in UR) then No (as there are enough other tools to do that better).
What is a mind manager functionality? I tried several such programs, all they do is display a graph and you can choose several layouts, choose colors, bla bla bla.
Of course this suggestion is with respect to data that are in UR. Imagine I'm going to brainstorm some idea. I create an item in UR and hoist it. This will become the root item, the main idea. Then I just carry on adding items as so on ... bingo ... I have a nice mind map inside UR with all its powerful features and cool graphical representation in 3D

All this is about is just a proper graphical representation of the structure in UR. The "mind mapping" thing is just a good excuse for bringing up this subject again ;-)
But being executed properly, I think UR could easily be very competent on the "Mind Mapping" market ...

Last edited by quant; 11-14-2007 at 10:39 AM.
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