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Old 11-15-2007, 01:51 PM
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Originally posted by jjinwi
Yes I did that, but I still need to click each item in the data explorer to see IF a note is attached to the item.
not for the case you gave as an example, it's enough to click of the "New Roof" to see if any of the child has a note or not.

For the general case, yes, the simple search on note attribute is the answer ... I know you know ... so maybe you wanted to place this to suggestion threads? ;-)

But I don't know why should item note attribute be treated differently that any other attribute ... maybe someone else will want tiny icon after name if "Mileage=25342" ....

This would mean that UR would need to "keep an eye" on item notes and refresh the Data explorer tree accordingly all the time. If this were possible, then we could also have "instant searches" ... where the search would not be executed when you click on it, but after you edit any item all search items would check whether the given item satisfies the condition to add it to that "search result" item.
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