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Old 11-16-2007, 04:57 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
Location: Blairsville, GA USA
Posts: 431
When I first looked at UR it struck me as an Outlook clone, which I already had access to, and even with UR's basis on sql it was difficult to justify the price.

I spent a good amount of time and effort working with TreePad Business Edition before hitting too many walls - I was also put off by the factured development and lack of a proper user forum.

I took a fresh look at UR and was nearing the end of my trial period, ready to bite the bullet on pricing, when the program became available (at substantial discount) at Bits du Jour.

The introduction of Forms in v.3 reaffirmed my belief that this was a program undergoing active development, and that UR might realize the potential that I see in the program.

I understand that Kinook must balance the development of UR as an sql front-end against the preceived needs of their users and the marketplace.

My needs may well fall in the minority and I may be expecting too much from a product in this price range - 'course, now that I'm "in" the upgrade cost has been acceptable.

Coming from a database perspective:

_ the availability of Attribute Values as variables would be welcome (Calculated Fields), but I have no idea as to the ease or difficulty of implementing this in an elegant fashion.

_ Reporting or Database Publishing or whatever you want to call it needs attention. It is my hope that the soultion is more than a banded report writer.

Coming from a business perspective:

_ Multi-user enhancements would be attractive.

I don't know if Kinook can accomplish any of this under their current pricing/upgrade structure, or if some of this funcitionality needs to be offered as an additional cost add-on.

I will say that as things currently stand UR satisfies a large percentage of my information management needs, and I am encouraged by the continued development and responsiveness of the developers.
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